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Clyst St Mary Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together Through Aspiration, Resilience and Kindness

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How will my child be assessed?

In Reception we aim to get to know your child well through daily interactions with our children and parents. It is through observing children in their play and day to day activities that enable us to develop an understanding of our children's current skills and what they need to work on next. We call these next steps. We then make plans for future learning, taking into consideration children's individual needs, next steps and interests to rotate the continuous provision on offer and the learning activities that take place.  

Tapestry: Online Learning Journal

At Clyst St Mary we use an online learning journey called Tapestry to share and record some of our daily observations with parents. Tapestry is very secure and has an App that parents can download and receive regular observations and comments about children's learning and development at school. Tapestry also allows parents and carers to share pictures and comments about what their child has been doing at home. We aim to provide parents with a good understanding of how their child is doing through regular conversations, sharing next steps, using Tapestry as well as parents evenings.


Alongside the daily observations and interactions that we have with children and their parents we also undertake the following formal assessments during the time your child is with us:

Reception Baseline Assessment

As of September 2021 all Reception children will need to complete the Reception Baseline Assessment in the first six weeks in which a child starts reception. This is a short assessment that is completed on a one to one basis with the child's teacher. It is done in a relaxed manner, through conversations and little activities that children are asked to complete. Most children enjoy this time to spend quality time with their teacher.


Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)
Reception teachers will use their knowledge of what each child knows, understands and can do in order to decide the outcomes presented in the profile. This assessment is completed in the final term of the year in which the child reaches age five. At the end of the year children are assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals and the children's teachers will indicate whether a child is meeting: 


* Expected - meeting an expected level of development.  

* Emerging - not yet reaching expected levels of development.  


Your child's teacher will share their assessment through a report at the end of the year and with their Year 1 teacher. 

What are Early Learning Goals?


Early Learning Goals are the level of development children should be expected to have attained by the end of the EYFS. ELGs are there to support teachers to make a holistic, best-fit judgement about a child’s development, and their readiness for Year 1 and moving onto the national curriculum.


How Will the Profile Outcomes Be Used?

The main purpose of the EYFS profile is to help create a smooth transition into Year 1. The profile results will be shared and discussed with the child’s Year 1 teacher to enable them to plan activities to meet the needs of all children in the class and to develop an understanding of each child’s needs.
