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Clyst St Mary Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together Through Aspiration, Resilience and Kindness

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SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND Support At Clyst St Mary:


At Clyst St Mary Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress and curriculum access for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.  

Our SEND Information Report outlines the current SEND make-up of the school, funding received and approaches we take to meet the needs of all our children (including our outside agency partners).  It also answers many parent’s FAQ.

SEND Policy 2023-2024

At Clyst St Mary, we recognise that understanding and supporting the needs of the individual child are key to their learning success.  We are dedicated to meeting the needs of all our children through our quality-first teaching.  Our classroom environments, lesson activities and their organisation aim to support all children and meet the majority of needs in each class.

Children’s progress is carefully monitored and assessed by their class teacher. Sometimes a child may not make the progress we expect or may need additional support to access classroom learning through our graduated response.  When this happens, we meet with parents to discuss appropriate steps to put in place to support the child.  We also consider wider skills development, identifying and responding to; social, emotional, sensory, physical and communication needs alongside learning needs.  Clyst St Mary school will always endeavour to work in partnership with parents and children to secure the best outcomes available.

Our SEND Policy outlines how we identify and support children with needs that are  ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ what is provided for the majority of pupils in the class.  This could be for educational, health or social needs.


School Organisation:


Your child’s class teacher is the key person who is responsible for identifying and meeting the needs of your child on a day-to-day basis. This includes planning for and meeting the needs of all children with SEND.  The class teacher will meet with parents (and the child where appropriate), at least termly, to discuss the current support and help to achieve successful outcomes.

We are lucky enough to have a team of friendly teaching assistants who support the class teachers in delivering interventions and support; working under the direction of the class teacher both within and outside of the classroom.  For a small number of children with high and complex SEND, a teaching assistant may facilitate meeting the child’s individual learning needs – again under the instruction of the class teacher.

The school’s SEND Coordinator (SENCo), Tracey Jones, supports staff and families and liaises with other agencies (where appropriate) to help meet the needs of children with SEN. She maintains the Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) in accordance with statutory guidelines; works with school staff and outside agencies;  co-ordinates TAF (Team Around the Family) meetings - including with health and social service colleagues where appropriate; oversees and co-ordinates the provision of SEND across the school; and provides training to school staff – reporting to the school’s Senior Leadership Team and school governors.  


Who to contact:


Your first, and main, port-of-call should always be your child’s class teacher, but an appointment can be requested with Mrs Jones, our SENCo, via your child’s teacher or the school office. 

Our SENCo: Mrs Tracey Jones can be reached on - 01392 874583 or by emailing the school office -


Useful websites:


 Devon County Council’s Local SEND Offer. 

Further information about support services, which parents/carers and their families can access in Devon, can be found on Devon Local Offer website. We strongly recommend you access this helpful information:


Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS)

This is a dedicated team offering legally based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They support children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers. Their service is impartial and confidential.


Devon’s Public Health Nursing Team

This team deliver universal child and family health services, provide ongoing additional services for vulnerable children and families and work to safeguard and protect children. The team is made up of health visitors, school nurses, staff nurses and community health workers with additional experience, training and education in child health, health promotion, public health and education.


Children and Family Health Devon

This is the NHS website which outlines key information and support for families regarding health and SEND needs across Devon.  It is a key source of information regarding typical child development and has a large number of resources for families - including toolkits and video tutorials. It is particularly useful for families who are wanting to find out more information about; Speech and Language therapy; ADD/ADHD assessments; Autism (ASD) assessment pathway; Child and Adolescent Mental Health services (CAMHs); Occupational Therapy (OT); Disability Nursing team; Bowel and Bladder.  


Signpost Plus 

A team within Children and Family Health Devon who can help families to get information about local and national services and support available for the child and wider family.

Devon Family Hubs

A Devon-wide service to support and signpost all Devon families to the right support at the right time. 

By phoning 0800 538 5458 families in Devon will be able to speak to one of our Family Hub Navigators who will be able to provide support and guidance about a range of topics – whether it’s a parenting issue or just feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of family life, a member of our friendly, supportive team will be able to give guidance and signpost to information and advice and help with understanding and accessing relevant services and information.


Devon Children and Families Partnership

Provides information and support to Devon schools and families regarding; health and wellbeing, life chances, keeping children safe, child abuse and Early Help.  Early Help is the extra support your family can get if you need it. It may be that you want to prevent a problem, or change things for your family before the problem becomes more serious.  It is not a specific service or team, it’s an approach that brings together people from a range of services and teams who will work together with your whole family to help improve the situation for everyone.  It can offer support to families from pre-birth to adolescents with all sorts of issues from parenting, employment and school attendance to emotional wellbeing or anti-social behaviour.



An online charity for disabled children - they support families, bring families together and help families take action for others  They run a range of workshops, information sessions and online events.



An independent registered charity and not-for-profit company limited by guarantee which provides learning and social opportunities to disabled people in Devon. CEDA is committed to developing staff and actively supports the whole team to access as many training opportunities as possible. They regularly update their training offer through their bis-net page.
