Curriculum Overview
What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
Our Curriculum
Curriculum Intent Statement
Nurture and Grow Together
At Clyst St Mary Primary School our vision is to create an environment that encourages all our children to be active, aspirational and to achieve.
The National Curriculum 2014 is the foundation upon which we have built our innovative and inspirational curriculum. We celebrate and champion the uniqueness of every child, endeavouring to nurture and develop the potential of all. Our excellent teaching delivers an integrated international, national and Devon led journey of discovery.
We aim to:
• Enable each child to continually achieve within a successful village school in preparation for independence and lifelong learning.
• Offering an all-round education which enables each child to achieve the highest possible standards academically, physically, morally and spiritually.
• Enable children to develop in a healthy, safe and secure environment where everyone is valued.
• Provide an inspirational curriculum that enables the children to explore, investigate, create and communicate whilst delivering the aims of the Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum.
• Use the local community as a resource to enrich learning.
• To understand British modern values of democracy, tolerance and respect of others.
• Provide children with the skills, economic understanding and a voice to become confident global citizens.
• Create a happy, caring school community where good behaviour and manners are expected and celebrated.
• Enable each child to have the computing skills to equip them to access all aspects of life as a digital citizen.
Curriculum Overview Documents
At Clyst St Mary Primary School we embrace the idea of 'Personalised Learning"; an approach which expects all children to reach or exceed national expectations, to fulfil their early promise and develop latent potential. High expectations of progress apply equally to children working above, at, or below age-related expectations, including those who have been identified as having special educational needs. There is an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success; and teaching and learning is characterised by ambitious objectives, challenging personal targets, rapid intervention to keep pupils on trajectory and rigorous assessment to check and maintain pupil progress. There are clear plans to support those who are struggling to maintain trajectory. The teacher's priority is to support children so that they can keep up with with the pace of learning and make good rates of progress.
Traditionally it was expected that teachers would differentiate by task or expectation and many different levels of success were accepted, this approach often ran the risk of lowering expectations. Today, the effective teaching practices see teachers expecting everyone to succeed by offering higher levels of support or extra challenge for those who need it, so that pupils can access the learning at the expected year group standard.
The impact of our vision 'Together, shaping the future' is seen through the development of confident, resilient and well-rounded pupils who are ready in Year 6 to take the next step in their future lifelong journey. Our broad and balanced curriculum gives them skills, values and knowledge to make them valuable future citizens. We often hear about the progress of former pupils who share with us their success and aspirations. This is turn inspires our current pupils to aim high and achieve their potential.