Daily Tasks
Monday 20th July
Good morning,
We made it to Cape Town, super effort those of you who took part. I will miss doing my 2 miles a day on the exercise bike. We went for a walk up the Otter, it was beautiful, unfortunately we did not see the beavers.
Today we are going to work hard all morning and then watch a film and have some popcorn. The year 6 children have a treat this afternoon and then their BBQ.
Writing book stickers - Imagine you are an animal.
Doodlemaths - use place value and number facts to solve problems.
Purple Mash - Sam and the Wet Day - chapter 5 and activities.
- 2paint a picture - a picture of the animal you wrote about.
- Grammar - dancer and the baker.
As we have now completed all the booklets sent home, if you want something else to do check to see you have done all the pages.
Purple Mash will be providing activities over the summer, it is not compulsory. It is just something you can use if you have a wet day and want something to fill the time or to keep your brains ticking over !!!
Have a great day, stay safe in the sun.
Friday 17th July
Good morning,
Thank you to those of you who have sent in your letters for Miss Wilkinson's project. A big thank you too for the messages of kindness and gifts, it is much appreciated and I hate that we cannot say goodbye for the summer in person. I have missed each and every one of you and I am so excited to be with you again next year.
Grammar booklet - p.52 and 53 ( Freddie I hope I have the right pages today!!!) mixed practice - booklet complete
Doodlemaths - money - simple problems and calculating change. Well done we are the top Doodlers this week with 58% in green!!! Let's get to 70% of you !!!
Purple Mash - 2create - write a page for each day of the week and add a picture to show what you have been doing. I am sure I left a recorded set of instructions.
- vowel or consonant
- chapter 4 and activities
- shop multi drag game
- coins pairs
Have a great day and remember to log your miles and collect your sponsor money. I have completed my flag chart in school, and my parents sponsored me !!
Thursday 16th July
Good morning,
I am so impressed with the work that gets handed in but make sure you read and listen to my instructions. I can't believe you are all so very nearly Year 3s.
Grammar booklet - p.44 and 45 le el al
Purple Mash - Sam and the Wet Dog Chapters 2 and 3 and the quizzes
- spelling x 3 - linked to the ones done in the grammar booklet
BBC Bitesize - Maths - measuring in millilitres - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmn6wnb In school do 2 and 3, at home do activities 1 and 2.
Doodlemaths - Correct standard units to measure
Oxford Owl - read/listen to 2 books and do the activities.
Have a super day, remember to try to get moving to keep you fit and healthy.
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning,
Remember to look at the display boards to see your Healthy meals and Chef mashcam.
BBC Bitesize - French - Food and Drink - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbjhqfr
Purple mash - Fruit bowl - label or list the fruit in French please
- Europe Countries
- Venn diagrams
- Venn diagrams 2
- 2 DIY 3D
- Sam and the Wet Day Chapter 1 and quiz.
Doodlemaths - tally charts and tables
BBC Bitesize - English - Write your own counting poem - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdbtjsg Activity 2 only
Have a great day.
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning,
Phoebe got her ears pierced yesterday, it was her birthday present from January, we were going to do it in the Easter holiday but had to put it off. She is very pleased and now Lily has decided she might get hers done too!!
I hope you enjoyed the dinosaur activities, both Mrs Martin and I loved the game and collected all our stickers!!!
Grammar booklet - p.42 and 43 tch wh ph
BBC Bitesize - English - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zsv6wnb You should try to do all 3 activities, the third one is quite tricky, just remember the rules!!
BBC Bitesize - D&T - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6fc86f If you do plan a meal and cook or make it, please let me know what you did and perhaps send in a photo via email or on the blog.
Purple Mash - spelling - 3 activities
- Plan a meal ( we will make a display board for these)
- plate
- Mashcam chef ( we will make a display for these)
Remember to check for spelling and punctuation as we will only put up the best examples, try to do it independently.
Have a great day. Look on the website at how far we have travelled and if you click on the maps at the bottom you have links to activities about that country.https://www.clyststmary.devon.sch.uk/clyst-to-cape/
Monday 13th July
Good morning,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I spent quite a few hours in the garden and I am very pleased with how neat and tidy it looks. There were lots of little crickets in the grass.
Reasoning booklet - p.14 and 15 problems using + and - ( booklet complete)
Doodle maths - inverse relationship between + and - (find it in extras)
Grammar booklet - p.46 and 47 adding endings
BBC Bitesize - Science - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z8cm8hv I have done this and it is brilliant, I will be looking for some of the facts from this programme on your factfiles in Purple Mash.
Purple Mash - Spelling - 3 lessons on word endings
- Dinosaur fact file
- Design your own dinosaur
- Dinosaur labelling
Have a dinotastic day everyone.
Friday 10th July
Good morning,
In school today we are going to try to travel 1 mile each, my bubble will be running laps around the front playground. Why don't you set up a loop and see how far you can travel today?
I am going for a walk with a few of the teachers tomorrow to add some more miles.
BBC Bitesize - English - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zpfk3j6 Activity 2
BBC Bitesize - Geography - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6gq4xs All activities - Pirate Bunnies is activity 3 yey!!!!
Grammar booklet - p.41 - silent letters
Purple Mash - spelling x 2
- Seasons quiz
- Beach hut
MyMaths - statistics - lists and tables
On BBC Bitesize, new for today is a music lesson on Vivaldi and The Seasons, you might want to have an explore, here is the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4jjcmn
Enjoy your day and clock those miles please team !!! Have a super weekend.
Thursday 9th July
Good morning,
I took Lily and Phoebe to Budleigh yesterday evening, the water was orange with the cliff dust!! It was very windy so we could not use the paddleboard and Lily said she saw some jellyfish. I was glad to get home and warm up!!
Doodlemaths - odd and even ( in extras)
Reasoning booklet - p.11 odd + even
BBC Bitesize - English - using verbs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z8d6wnb All 3 activities.
Purple Mash - spelling - contractions
- even or odd
- Identifying odd or even
- Little Red tenses
TOPIC - Purple Mash rivers poster/file
Enjoy your day, I am hoping it does not rain as Mr Allen is hanging out 2 lots of washing!!
Wednesday 8th July
Good morning,
I am on a virtual conference this morning and Mrs Martin is in charge of Year 1 and 2 in our Bubble so we will not get to go on Purple Mash this morning.
I had a look at the list of people adding their miles/kilometres to the Clyst to Cape challenge and some of your names are missing, make sure you send in any distances you do.
Mymaths - random selection (enjoy)
Reasoning booklet - p.16 checking
Grammar booklet - p.40 the soft 'g' sound
BBC Bitesize - English - The Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z8q83j6 Activity 2
Purple Mash - Spelling activities x2
- Hedgehog paint - make sure you put on the name from the BBC bItesize lesson or we will send it back !!!
TOPIC - Look on Google Earth or a map of the area. What places does the River Clyst or the Exe flow through? Can you find where the rivers start? Where does the Exe go into the sea and what is that geographical feature called?
Have a good day everyone.
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning,
I went for a lovely long walk last night with my parents, so this morning I was able to put 21 miles on the Clyst to Cape challenge. Make sure you log all your miles, I am hoping to complete all my stickers of maps this week.
Arithmetic booklet - p.38,39 and 40 (mixed multiplication and division) Booklet complete.
Doodlemaths - recall and use division facts of 2x table ( it is in the extras section when you log in, I will be checking)
BBC Bitesize - English - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7q6wnb Activities 1 and 2
BBC Bitesize - Geography - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zks4ydm Activity 2 ( Activity 3 is Pirate Bunnies if you have time)
Purple Mash - Paint - river ( imagine the clyst or the Exe- please take you time, don't rush this) TOPIC
- Ice Cream tenses
- wh, ph spelling
Have a good day, enjoy the activities.
Monday 6th July
Good morning,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. My parents came to stay, they arrived yesterday morning so I spent all Saturday cleaning and tidying as we have not had any one in our house since March so it was not as tidy as I would like. Lily and Phoebe were very helpful as they were excited. We went for a walk along the beach as my parents had not been to a beach for a long time. We found hermit crabs and shrimps in the rock pools, it was very windy.
BBC Bitesize - Maths - working out how much change - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6gthbk
Science booklet - p.38 and 39 Recycling (booklet complete)
Purple Mash - recycling poster ( I will make a display board)
- Mashcam refuse collector
- Change from 20p, 50p and £1
Set group - currency calculations
Spelling/handwriting - rows 19 and 20 (tell - grow) really think about the shape of the words, I will be checking in September!!!
TOPIC - Angry Sea in Purple Mash - imagine you are there, describe the scene and how it feels. Yesterday the sand was being blown along the beach and stinging as it hit your bare skin.
Have a great day.
Friday 3rd July
Good morning,
We had a virtual prom last night using Zoom for Lily. We all got dressed up and had a dance, Phoebe had transformed the lounge and my parents and my sister's family joined the party. It was good fun!!!
Arithmetic book - p.36 and 37
Writing sticker - write a letter to your favourite book, film or TV character. I would love to see photos.
Grammar book - p.38 and 39 hard and soft 'c'
Purple Mash - TV paint
- Yr Sum 2 wk 4 spelling
- multiplication pairs
BBC Bitesize - Art - 12th June - Sculpture - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbppqfr
TOPIC - Beaches - Purple Mash beach treasure - lots of us like to visit Exmouth, what treasure might you find. Careful and detailed pictures please, write underneath what you found as a list with commas.
Have a great weekend, keep clocking up those miles for Clyst to Cape and remember to ask for donations and sponsorship.
Thursday 2nd July
Good Morning!
I have not looked at much work from yesterday as we did PE for the first hour and then all afternoon I was in a meeting with Mrs Herbert. After school I worked on your reports so I will try to catch up over the next two days, fingers crossed.
There's quite a lot of BItesize today, enjoy all the activities.
BBC Bitesize - maths - Sorting 2D and 3D shapes -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdjtjsg Activities 1 and 2 need printing, but 3 is Karate Cats.
BBC Bitesize - Spanish - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z42296f Enjoy, again more printing !!
BBC Bitesize - D & T - repeat pattern making - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrmj2sg Send me photos of your patterns if you can.
Purple Mash - Poppa Joe Chapter 5 and activities
- Label shapes
-lines of symmetry
- My African patterns
TOPIC - Describing homes on Purple Mash, remember punctuation and full sentences. Add detail.
Enjoy your day, I am going to be focusing on Dinosaurs with Year 1 and we do phonics everyday!!
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning,
I am very excited because I am the teacher in the lead with my flag collecting!!! It is because I am doing the 2 miles a day on the static bike in school and trying to have a couple of walks in the evening with the girls. Mr Rogers has travelled the furthest.
BBC Bitesize - English - Identifying errors in writing - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z799ydm Activities 1 and 2
BBC Bitesize - Science - Parts of the body and senses - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhn6dp3 You should be very knowledgeable as we have already done some activities based on this.
Grammar booklet - p.34, 35, 36, and 37 vowel sounds
Arithmetic book - p.34 and 35 multiplying and missing numbers
Purple Mash - order numbers
- Numbers to 100 quiz
- Poppa Joe Chapter 4 and activities
- When I grow up poster ( Make sure you use capitals and full stops, read it through to check your spelling and that it makes sense.)
- Cloze spelling activities
Have a great day, Mrs Martin and I will send back posters or work where we think you could have scored a better result or given us more information.
Tuesday 30th June
Good morning,
Well, I actually managed to get out for a walk last night, Lily and I went exploring the back streets of Lympstone and then walked along the edge of the estuary back to Exmouth. I keep checking to see who has logged their walking and cycling, I would love to see more names from you Year 2 !!!
Please do the science booklet first to help with the activity on John Boyd Dunlop.
Science booklet - p.36 - 37 Inventors Gallery
Purple Mash - make sure you listen to the audio instructions, yesterday lots of penguins got handed in without the interesting fact underneath.
- Find the number
- Counting up within 100
- Place Value model
- Poppa Joe Chapter 3 and activities
-John Boyd Dunlop poster
- Charles Macintosh development tray (select group)
Spelling/handwriting - rows 17 and 18 (gran - we're)
TOPIC - What can you see today out of your window - Purple Mash paint. Sentence below it please.
Today I can see ...............
Have a good day, shame it's wet. Not looking forward to being cooped up inside.
Monday 29th June
Good morning,
I hope you are all well and that you had a great weekend. I have done a Mashcam for you which is in the Blog.
Well done to those of you who have logged miles/kilometres for the Clyst to Cape Challenge, keep moving.
BBC Bitesize - Geography - Antarctica - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zxwwg7h Find out more with Go Getters after you've done the activities.
Grammar booklet - p.32 and 33 mixed practice
Arithmetic book - p.7, 8 and 11 adding digits
Purple Mash - Poppa Joe Chapter 2 and activities
Mashcam - Explorer ( we will make a display board for these)
Explorer pair
Penguin paint
Number chart
Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you on Mashcam.
Friday 26th June
Good morning,
We have reached Spain!!!! Keep moving and keep logging it, also remember to ask people to sponsor you or simply donate. I did my two miles on the bike again yesterday at playtime, it's too hot for it !!
I went to Budleigh last night so Lily could swim and she got stung by a jellyfish. She said it made her face sting but she was okay after a couple of hours.
BBC Bitesize - Maths - position and direction - 12th June - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zsvgn9q This looks great, have fun.
Oxford Owl - read two books - and do the activities if they have them.
Spelling/handwriting - rows 15 and 16 (am -dragon)
Reasoning booklet - p.30 and 31 - comparing amounts
Purple Mash - Longer or shorter
- Tallest or shortest
- Poppa Joe and the Red Racer - Chapter 1 and activities.
TOPIC - look at your route you drew yesterday, write a list of all the buildings you pass and what they are used for.
Have a wonderful day, stay safe in the sun and I will again try to leave you all a message at the weekend on a piece of work you hand in.
Thursday 25th June
Good morning,
It's going to be hot, hot, hot today. Drink lots of water everybody.
I have now got a very full class of 15, I am finding it very hard to get to Purple Mash as the 12 Year 1 children need a lot of help reading their instructions and using the tablets and Chromebooks So I apologise for the delay in response and the fact I may now just put a star or smiley face in the feedback.
My Maths - 3D shapes
BBC Bitesize - Maths - 16th June - 3D shapes - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zp2tjsg
Purple Mash - Aut 1 Wk 3 spelling
- 2d and 3d sorting shapes
- Pairs games - shapes
- Basic shapes (paint)
Reading booklet - p.42-46 The Rain ( We have now completed this book)
TOPIC - in your green books draw your journey to school (if you come or if you can remember it!!!) or your daily walk or cycle route.
Stay safe in the sun.
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning,
I hope you have checked out the school website for Clyst to Cape and seen me doing my miles on the bike at playtime!!! My aim is to do 2 miles each morning play. I can see from the list on the page that some of you have made an excellent start.
It's going to be lovely weather today and Phoebe and Lily are going to the beach once Phoebe has done all her school work.
Those of you in school, need to be doing everything set during the school day and having your outside activity sessions.
TOPIC - I have sent an email with image ideas for your islands. Some of you put a lot of time and effort into these. Today I want you to continue if you have not yet handed it in and if you have and would like to try again I have reset it.
BBC Bitesize - Maths - Comparing number sentences - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7fgcqt
Purple Mash - Pirate poem (display board)
- Pirate paint
- Sum2 Wk3 spelling
- 2Race - comparing
English sticker - top right poetry ( I would love to see photos of these)
Spelling/handwriting - rows 13 and 14 (because - along)
Reasoning booklet - p.24 and 25 amounts
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning,
I did a 3k walk last night after I had my tea, it was beautiful down by the estuary. I hope you all managed to log a distance or two!!
Please remember that some of the Purple Mash activities are linked to BBC Bitesize programmes or to other instructions and these need to be read or watched before completing tasks. This will become more the case when we complete our exercise books, not many pages left now!!!! As I am in school it is much harder to leave recorded instructions but I will try.
Sounds like it's going to be wonderful weather today, make sure you slap on the sunscreen before you go out.
BBC Bitesize - Science- 10th June - Squashing, bending, twisting and stretching - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4yw2fr Make sure you ask before you stretch, twist or bend things in your home!!!
Science booklet - p.34-35 Changing materials
Oxford Owl - read two books and do the activities (if they have them)
MyMaths - adding number lines, sorting.
Purple Mash - this is for 2 days - plan on paper first then use this app. Treasure Map - there will be a display board.
- Max and the Pirates - Chapter 5 and quiz
- Pirate Mashcam
TOPIC - map activity. Plan your island in your green book first, then take your time to create the map in Purple Mash. Add some of the symbols from the pairs game if you can remember them. Put a compass in the top right or left hand corner of your map.
I am noticing that some people are forgetting their capitals and full stops, capital letters for proper nouns (names of people and places) and not reading to check for sense and looking at words to see if they 'look right' to check spellings. I do not want to moan at you but we need to stay on top of our game!! I am missing you all being with me and I look forward to seeing you in your mashacams again today.
Monday 22nd June
Good morning,
I have left messages for those of you who handed in your Fraction Wall work. Look in the 2do list of work you handed in (at the bottom) and you should see a green triangle which will mean I managed to leave a message. There were some brilliant Life Cycle Posters, examples of both independent and supported work. Well done all !!!! I am looking forward to a sunnier week, it's very cold in school with all the doors and windows open.
Clyst to Cape - get moving everyone, perhaps do 'I like to move it' Just Dance to inspire you. I look forward to hearing how you all get on. I am going to try to go on the exercise bike in school everyday during playtime. I am sure Mrs P-B will get a photo!!
Doodlemaths - I have put on an assigned extra on Fractions. I cannot see what this looks like for you. If it is not there then just Doodle for 15 minutes!!
Spelling/handwriting - rows 11 and 12 (last - looks) Don't know about you but with all this typing my handwriting is going to need some work to get it back to how it should be.
BBC Bitesize - History - 15th June - Who was William Shakespeare? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znvyxbk I hope you can print as we have a wordsearch to do and I know you and your parents all love a wordsearch.
Purple Mash - Senses in the Park (Topic)
- Max and the Pirates Chapter 4 and quiz
- Pirate ship paint
- William Shakespeare Mash Cam ( Watch BBC Bitesize 1st)
TOPIC- Senses in the park.
Have a good day.
Friday 19th June
Good morning,
What a soggy day yesterday, we did manage a couple of play times outside but we got wet!!!
I am adding a link to a powerpoint but I am not sure if it will work, please try it out for me. Thanks in advance.
Science booklet - p.22 Life Cycles
Purple Mash - Butterfly life cycle
- Life Cycle of a Butterfly poster ( we will have a display board)
- Fraction Wall
- Fraction bar
- Park
Make sure you listen to my instructions.
BBC Bitesize - Maths - Unit Fractions - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4j83j6 Please do all the activities, I have no MyMaths left to set in this area of maths.
Reading booklet - p.37-41 The Snowman
TOPIC - In your green books I would like you to design a new play area/play park for the village or near where you live. What apparatus do you want, what colours will it be, will it be themed? Think of ones you have been to, what were your favourite things? I would love to see photos of your plans.
p.s. It's Father's Day on Sunday.
Thursday 18th June
Good morning,
Thank you for the messages and emails, much appreciated. I am hoping for some more dramatic weather today, let me know if you get any. We borrowed my parents' Croquet set and had a quick game in the garden last night, are there any new games you have been playing?
BBC Bitesize - Maths - Bonds to 100 -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znmpf4j Please do the activities if you can print. We will be doing them in school.
Purple Mash - 2Race - Bonds to 100
- Bond Bubbles
- Jim takes out the rubbish
- Max and the Pirates - Chapter 3 and quiz
- Compass (TOPIC)
BBC BItesize - English - Using exclamation marks in writing -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmng9mn I enjoyed the quiz in activity 1, please do activity 2 and for the very brave the challenge of activity 3. I would love to see photos if any of you complete this.
TOPIC - Compass - please complete the activity on Purple Mash, we will be designing maps over the next few weeks.
Have a wonderful day, we look forward to our messages on the blog.
Wednesday 17th June
Good morning,
I am feeling very tired today, I think it must be the heavy weather!! I got stung by nettles on Sunday and every time I use hand sanitiser the rash comes back, it's very itchy.
readon - the free offer on the website closes on the 30th June so try to read a book a day if you can until then. The login details are on an email dated 9th June from school.
BBC Bitesize - D&T - 5th June - packaging - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkf8jhv Please do both activities if you can print!! We will be doing only activity 2 in school.
Science booklet - p.20 and 21 Your vegetable patch.
Purple Mash - Max and the Pirates Chapter 2 and quiz and activities
-Mashcam gardener
BBC BItesize - Maths - 4th May - Part whole relationship and fact families. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjn3gwx Activity 1 and 2 (if you can print)
Spelling/handwriting - rows 9 and 10 (keep - liked)
TOPIC - draw your garden from above, some of you might even have a vegetable patch.
Enjoy your day, I am hoping for a thunderstorm, I really love them.
Tuesday 16th June
Good morning,
I am sorry that I seem to be setting the same pages twice in some booklets, I thought I had a system but it's failing me!!! Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, especially those of you who sang to me.
BBC Bitesize - English - 1st June - Types of sentences - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhh6pg8 Please try to get through all 3 activities. Remember an adult at home can write for you.
Grammar booklet p.30 and 31 - 'un' and compound words.
Purple Mash - Compound nouns
- Yr 1 wk 1 quiz - compound words
- Yr1 wk 6 quiz - 'un'
- 2Race multiply by 2,5 and 10
BBC Bitesize - Maths - 1st June - The 10 times table - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk89d6f The activities look like fun, enjoy.
Arithmetic book - p.30 and 31 (x10)
TOPIC - maps use symbols so I have put a symbol game in Purple Mash. We will use these symbols and others in the coming weeks. If you want to you could see what other symbols cartographers use when they draw maps.
Monday 15th June
Good morning,
It's my birthday. I managed to leave recorded messages on the house pictures you handed in. I had a wonderful time yesterday seeing my parents, it was very strange not to hug them and the weather was marvellous so we enjoyed it even more than if it had been raining.
BBC Bitesize - 18th May - identifying and using homophones - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7g8jhv
Do activity 1, 2 and 2a
Grammar booklet - p.49, 50 and 51
Science booklet - p.18 and 19
BBC Bitesize - maths - 4th June - Odd and Even - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr23c7h
Activities - 1 and 2 and Karate Cats
Purple Mash - Sum 2 wk 2 spelling
- 2Race - three choices
-Max and the Pirates - Chapter 1 read and quiz
TOPIC - flying high again, can you draw a birds eye view of the school. Google Earth/Maps will help with this.
Have a wonderful day.
Friday 12th June
My news - Phoebe had KFC yesterday and dyed her hair pinky coloured!
BBC Bitesize - 4th June - French - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhg7639 Why don't you have a go at making the game in your garden or on the drive/path?
BBC Bitesize - 28th April - France - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk4j7nb ( choose from the activities)
Spelling/handwriting - rows 7 and 8 (why - he's) Think carefully about the shape of your letters.
Mymaths - division work
Purple Mash - Counting in 3's Snake game
-Rooms 2paint ( Mrs Martin and I will ask you to redo any of these that are not completed carefully.)
TOPIC - Complete the side view of the house, please do not rush this. Underneath list the rooms.
Have a wonderful weekend, I will try to record messages to you again.
Thursday 11th June
Good morning,
It's another grey day!!! I did not do much last night. We are doing a staff book club so I read my chapters ready for an online meeting with Mrs Gornall and Miss Lidstone tonight. Our book is all about reading. Phoebe had tidied the kitchen yesterday so that was a lovely surprise when I got home.
Mymaths - division activities
BBC Bitesize - Geography - 12th May - Introduction to Asia. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfcbrj6 ( There is a fact file in Purple Mash to go with this).
Arithmetic booklet - p.24 and 25 dividing by 2
BBC Bitesize - Maths - 3rd June - Grouping. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhwmhg8 Definitely do activity 3 which is Karate Cats.
Science booklet - p.18 and 19 - What seeds need.
Purple Mash - 2Race division using 2, 5 and 10
- multiplication and division facts
- Shanghai fact file
- Mashcam Emperor
- Chinese lion
Please remember to listen to my instructions. I am struggling to look at your work as quickly as I used to, I do apologise.
Enjoy the activities that you choose to do today. I hope to see lots of smiling Emperors!!!!
Wednesday 10th June
Good morning,
I hope you are all well. I went to Budleigh last night as Lily was swim training with friends and Phoebe wanted to paddleboard. It was nice and calm but it was cold as the sun was behind a big grey cloud. When we got home Lily cooked a delicious tea, we had kebabs with mushroom rice.
Spelling/handwriting - rows 5 and 6 (another - white)
Mymaths - division and sharing ( for the next 3 days)
BBC Bitesize - Maths - 2nd June - Sharing https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfxtnrd
Pleased don't feel you need to print the activity but have a go at the interactive Rockstars.
Purple Mash - LISTEN to my instructions please
Bedroom colour
Arrays - division statements
Division counting groups
Martin Luther King poster
BBC Bitesize - History - Who was Dr Martin Luther King ( I planned this before recent events) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhry382
(Please don't feel you have to print and do the Twinkl comprehension)
TOPIC - please draw either your bedroom or lounge from above (a plan) think carefully about the shapes they look like from above. In school yesterday we found it tricky not to draw from the side on view.
Please choose what you would like to do.
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning,
Well not a lot to report today, Lily and Phoebe are busy during the day doing school work and helping at home. We got a playpen for the hamsters so they were in it for the first time last night, doing little poos on the carpet downstairs!!!! I think I will get a protective sheet for next time.
MyMaths - complete any of the time work you did not get to yesterday. ( new maths topic tomorrow)
Reasoning booklet - p.37, 38 and 39
BBC Bitesize - Music - 22nd May - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zd748xs Have fun with your family orchestra.
Purple Mash - Time mixed
Clock Two
2 Explore
In your writing book (monkey) create a set of instructions for how to make a jam jar instrument. You can always watch the clip again to remind you.
Monday 8th June
Good morning,
Well my shoulders and hands hurt from a very busy weekend gardening, but the garden does look much better. It was nice doing it in the cooler weather. I went for a lovely walk with Phoebe and we walked along the edge of the estuary instead of going on the cycle path. We saw about 50 kite surfers on the water near Exmouth swimming pool.
At the weekend I recorded a short message for all of you who had handed work in last week.
BBC Bitesize - Writing - Days of the week. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvr6pg8 Please watch this before doing the Purple Mash activity.
Purple Mash - Yr1 Spring 1 Week 5 - days of the week
Telling the time quiz
Time - whole hours in order
MyMaths - time ( these activities are for today and tomorrow)
Reasoning booklet - p.35 and 36
Spelling/handwriting - rows 3 and 4 (suddenly - horse)
Enjoy your day.
Friday 5th June
Good morning,
I hope you enjoyed being robots, how did it go giving your parents clear instructions? We did the lady who swallowed a fly as we can't move around much in the classroom!! I feel like a teacher from a history documentary when children had to sit in rows, not move and put their hands up. We spend a lot of the day hand washing and #i like seeing the other teachers at lunchtime.
Enjoy your weekends, the weather is not looking great, but windy walks can be good fun, especially if you have a kite.
Grammar Booklet - p.26 -29 suffixes
Reasoning booklet - p.17,18 and 19 divide and multiply problems
Purple Mash - Multiplication expressions
Spelling summer 2 week 1
Recall (x10)
BBC Bitesize - English - 18th May -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z66nv82 Suffixes
Mymaths - make sure you have got this week's work done, more will be set next week.
Please do what you can, it is the same in school. We only get done what we can.
Thursday 4th June
Good morning,
Wow it was a busy day yesterday, lots of new routines and changes to the timetables that we're used to. The children seemed to have a nice day but it's not the same as having all of you. Apologies that I am not getting to respond to much of your work. Once we are used to this new way I may find more ways of finding time to look at it. What I did get to see looked brilliant, keep up the hard work.
BBC Bitesize - Computing - How games work? - The activities from Barefoot are great, I have used them in previous years with my classes.
Spelling and handwriting - 2nd side of the sheet. Rows 1 and 2 (let's to birds)
Grammar booklet - p.22 and 23 commas and mixed practice
Purple Mash - repeated addition
Grammar - making lists
Our senses at the seaside
Please remember your punctuation on posters in Purple Mash.
My Maths - selection of activities set on Monday. If you finish these the BBC Bitesize daily lessons have weekly maths challenges, they look good if you fancy something extra.
I have tried to keep track of what I set you to do but if ever I set something twice just have a break!!! Try to keep active, we did two Just Dance yesterday in our socially distanced places. If it stays dry enjoy being active in your garden or out on a walk or cycle.
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning,
It's going to be a busy day today!! I hope you are all well. As I walked down the road to school strange wet stuff was falling from the sky!!! What is it?
Lily and Phoebe had a great time at the beach, they went down once they had done their school work and spent hours in the water as it was so lovely. When I got home no-one was there, it was strange to come home to an empty house as normally we are all there!!
BBC Bitesize - Science - 20th May - Basic Forces - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv8f382
Purple Mash - Forces in Action
2Race x by 2, 5 and 10
Musical chairs (x5)
MyMaths - carry on with the selection of tasks ( I am starting to run out of choices of activities so if it's too hard leave it and some days it will not necessarily all be linked from now on).
Arithmetic booklet - p.22, 23, 26, and 27 (x2 and x5)
Have a great day and I will respond to as much work as I can with my change in role. Think of me at wet play!!!
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning,
Well I hope you are all okay. It was nice to see more faces at school and we are ready for the Year 1's returning tomorrow. Mrs Martin has said she will continue helping me respond to your work as I will be more busy during the day. I will miss being able to chat so freely via the blog during the day. We have another day of glorious sunshine so I will take my group outside for a story this afternoon. Lily and Phoebe are going to the beach today as Lily has started training again for open water swimming and Phoebe loves the new paddleboard. I am very jealous!! They will be going with Marcus who is not working today.
I really loved the house posters you've done, I would really like to live in the stone cottage. I like old buildings and finding out about their history. I was showing them to Lily and Phoebe while Marcus cooked dinner.
MyMaths - activities to last the week.
Spelling/handwriting - rows 17 and 18 (who-only)
Grammar booklet - p.14 and 15 mixed challenges
Maths - BBC Bitesize Describing arrays - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrf8jhv
Purple Mash - repeated addition
relating + and x to objects
spelling Yr 2 sum 1 week 6 LISTEN TO THE INSTRUCTIONS and read the instructions.
I have set an extra activity for a small group of you called Harry's Party.
Have fun with whatever you do.
Monday 1st June
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a great week. I enjoyed the sunshine and we treated ourselves to a stand up paddleboard so have been at the beach a lot. I am back in school from now on so will not be able to leave as many messages. We had a lovely BBQ yesterday and the girls toasted marshmallows, have any of you had BBQs?
English - In your writing book write about your half term just as you would if you were in school or you can use 2Create to write it (Purple Mash).
Reading booklet - Non fiction - Guide Dogs p.27-32
BBC Bitesize - maths - 18th May - repeated addition and the multiplication symbol. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhchscw
MyMaths - selection for the next two days.
Purple Mash - 2Create half term news
Changing homes
House outline (Art)
Remember to visit Collins Connect to get to books in the colour you need.
Right, have a great day. Freddie, Imogen, Evie and Renn say "hi".
Friday 22nd May
Good morning,
I hope that you are all well. This will be my last post until after half term. I will look on Purple Mash and check for work handed in and keep my fingers crossed for recorded messages. I will also check MyMaths and Doodlemaths/spell as I know some of you will use the week to catch up on some things. I know I will be!!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow, it's a special big birthday so I feel sad not to be able to use all the plans we had. My sister lives near her so will take round the presents we have ordered and some flowers and we have a zoom meeting with all our friends and family. I expect you have done this as well for members of your family.
I was on my walk yesterday with Lily and Phoebe and we saw Imogen, it was lovely to see her smiling face. She had just been to the beach and had been swimming.
Science booklet - p.30 and 31 The Doctor and the Vet
Purple Mash - Vet mashcam ( Mrs Martin will be marking this and choosing the best to go on the board. Remember that you can record yourself reading the speech bubble)
- Male/female doctor Mashcam
BBC Bitesize - Geography 19th May - Introduction to Oceania - Australia ( this has the Pirate Bunnies game, still my favourite!!)
Purple Mash - Great Barrier reef poster( I will be looking at these to decide which ones go on the display board, I was impressed by your Nigeria ones yesterday)
- Kangaroo (picture, add a name and a fact please)
MyMaths - estimates and place value, adding 2 digit numbers.
Remember to Doodle and to read with Oxford Owl and Collins Connect. Enjoy whatever you choose to do today and keep active!!
If you want more to do over half term I would recommend the BBC Bitesize lessons.
Have a great afternoon, and enjoy half term.
Thursday 21st May
Good morning,
I hope you have all decided which challenge you are going for in the Virtual Games!! We are going for Silver in the Secondary School category.
I went for an explore on Woodbury Common and we found ourselves in boggy areas where we had to jump from dry spot to dry spot, it was quite exciting and then we had to cross a small stream using stepping stones. We also saw some of the places the Marines use in the Commando Challenge. We did not go to the beach as it sounded like it was very busy down there on the news.
Today you will need to watch the BBC Bitesize programme before you do one of the activities on Purple Mash. Mrs Martin has made two new display boards for us to put up the good work from today. I hope to be able to give everyone a reward for their Nigeria fact file.
BBC Bitesize - Geography 5th May - Introduction to Africa - Nigeria
Purple Mash - Nigeria Fact file ( the best ones will go onto the display board and see if you can get a reward!!)
Alien Simile poem ( when you compare something to something else (her cheeks are like a red rose, you were as brave as a lion)
Week 5 spellings
MyMaths - catch up on any you have not got to yet.
Reading booklet - p.33-36 Poem - Icecream Man ( I look forward to when the van starts coming down our road again!!)
I look forward to seeing you work, please leave me a message, just "hello Mrs Allen" would make me smile.
I will be putting the poems and fact files onto the boards with Mrs Martin's help.
Enjoy your day and stay active!!
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning,
I hope that you are well and have your paddling pools at the ready!!! Today is going to be hot, hot, hot!!
Yesterday evening I went for a walk on the beach with Mr Allen while Lily walked with a friend (2 metres apart) in the other direction. I even took off my shoes and walked barefoot, I did not paddle! Lily and Phoebe got an online delivery of summer clothes so were busy in the day showing me their new outfits.
So I am back on my purple ball and ready for a day of seeing what you send me. Eddie, I absolutely loved your spooky voice that you did to go with your story. Mrs Martin was very impressed by the special effects.
BBC Bitesize - 4th May - English - developing vocabulary through phonics. Remember to play Karate Cats when you are done, it's a great game. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbpr47h
Grammar booklet - p.22-25 commas and practice
MyMaths - block charts and pictograms
Reasoning booklet - p.51 - 54 block diagrams and pictograms
Purple Mash - solving questions using charts(read the questions carefully)
Interpreting pictograms
Year 2 spelling activity
Enjoy whatever it is you choose to do, please remember to say hi as I get very lonely in the dining room on my own.
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning,
Well it's not so sunny today. Lily and Mr Allen have gone out for a run and Phoebe is in the process of waking up (it takes quite a while!!!). I went for a walk with Lily yesterday and then when Mr Allen got home we went to Budleigh and Lily had a swim. It was quite windy and choppy but she did it. I am very proud of her for getting in, I was wrapped up in a coat. Phoebe has painted a new rainbow to go in our window.
The big purple ball worked well and my back is not as bad!! The bouncing however does not help me with my typing.
Maths wise we have a couple of days looking at tables and tally charts.
MyMaths - Introducing data and tally charts
Reasoning booklet - p.47-50 Tables and Tallies
Arithmetic booklet - p.22-25 multiplying and dividing
BBC Bitesize - Reading English 1st May Funny Bones
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfmtpg8 Some of you will need a reader for this activity.
Purple Mash - Tally and Data tables
2 create a story I would like you to create a story about a skeleton, Mrs Martin will be choosing your best efforts to put up on the display board and if you are lucky she might record a message to say hi. Remember to leave Mrs Martin a message when you hand it in.
Check out each other's blogs by going to the sharing icon (green globe) and see what photos are being put up.
Have a great day and I look forward to reading your skeleton stories that Mrs Martin puts on the display board.
Monday 18th May
Good morning to you all,
I have had a lovely weekend, I spent time in the garden reading. We have planned the next meals for our family cookery challenge. I went for a walk on the beach all the way along past the rocks to the end of the stretch of sand near Sandy Bay. It was much busier on the beach. I am sitting on a big purple exercise ball today to see if that helps my back, fingers crossed that I do not fall off it!! No laughing if I do!!!
MyMaths - capacity, length and mass. These are Year 1 lessons as a quick refresher and to get you in the measuring mood for your other work.
Reasoning booklet - p.26-29 Units of measurement.
Purple Mash - Units of measurement
Find the tallest
Toy shelf
BBC Bitesize - Science 6th May - Basic parts of a plant . https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrh8wty You can do the drawing of the plant in your green books.
Science booklet - p.16-17 Acorn to Oak
Grammar booklet - p.18-21 Ending sentences and apostrophes.
I hope you enjoy the activities you do and make sure you keep checking to see if you get rewards in Purple Mash.
The purple ball is very wobbly!!!
Friday 15th May
Good morning,
Mrs Martin and I worked out how to video call using the Gmail chat!!! I was able to say hello to Freddie and Edward, Miss Lidstone, Mrs Martin and Mr Rogers while they were in school. I was just trying to find out what happens when I click 'Save and redo' on a piece of your work. I can ask you to add a little more or put in something that you missed and discovered that you can add to what you did without having to start again.
Yesterday afternoon I put some grass seed on the lawn, it said on the box that it is bird repellent, but I am not sure as there seems to be quite a few birds coming and going!!
BBC Bitesize - English - 23rd April - Creating lists in sentences and writing command sentences.
Please watch this before doing the sticker writing in your book with the monkey on the cover.
Writing book sticker - Play a game - it's the sticker bottom left on the sheet!!
Purple Mash - Rainy day - grammar
My Dice Game
Fraction 1/2 and 1/4
Fractions equivalence
Arithmetic book - p. 44, 45, 46 Fractions
Handwriting/spelling - rows 17 and 18 (who-only)
Enjoy whichever of these you choose to do, have fun out in your garden and do something that makes your heart beat fast and leaves you feeling puffed!!
Thursday 14th May
Good morning everybody,
I have just imagined you all saying "good morning Mrs Allen" like you do in assembly!!
Well it's another sunny day in Exmouth. Lily is up and about but Phoebe is still in bed, she doesn't like getting up!! We had a lovely walk on the common and Lily saw a friend from the swimming club so they had a bit of a chat. I expect you see each other out and about as well.
BBC Bitesize - English 29th April Creating a minibeast fact file using joining words. You can do any writing in your green books or the purple homework book. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrvfy9q
Purple Mash - Minibeast vocabulary
Invent your own insect ( add a sentence with a mini beast name and a fact about it.)
Summer spelling week 3
Arithmetic booklet - p. 41,42 and 43 Fractions
Handwriting/spelling - rows 15 and 16 (think - garden)
I was just wondering if I am setting enough to keep you busy and learning, now you are used to Purple Mash and this way of working would you like me to add more activities to the daily list. Get your parents to email Mrs Hockin and she then sends them to me.
Mrs Allen
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning,
I went for a walk on the beach yesterday evening with Lily and Mr Allen, Phoebe was at home cooking, and we saw Mr Rogers. It was lovely to have a chat with him. The beach has been very quiet but I expect it will start to get busier now the Government have changed the rules.
BBC Bitesize - Science 29th April - Introduction to materials. We did some work on materials in school last term so you will remember some of the facts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6kdwty
Science booklet - p.32 and 33 Materials
Purple Mash - Which material?
Matching objects
Comprehension booklet - p.17-20 Non fiction The Circus
Reasoning booklet - p.22 and 23 quarters
MyMaths - the fractions activities set yesterday if not done yet.
I look forward to hearing some messages from you today.
Tuesday 12th MayGood morning ladies and gellymen!!
I found it very hard to get out of bed this morning, it's sooooo cold. I was much warmer tucked under my duvet. Lily has been on the rowing machine already today and Mr Allen was at work for 7. I did my walk yesterday afternoon but it was hard work with the wind blowing in my face. If you made your kites I hope you had fun flying them.
BBC Bitesize - Geography 28th April Introduction to Europe - France https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk4j7nb
I really enjoyed the Pirate Bunnies World Adventure game. Let me know if you collect all the coins/treasure.
MyMaths - activities based on Fractions If you need extra help then go to the library section where you can access the lessons.
Reasoning booklet - p. 20 and 21 Halves and thirds
Purple Mash - Spelling Summer week 2
Compounding with Grandpa
Monday 11th May
Good morning,
I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and got to go out and play or exercise with your family. I went cycling again with Phoebe and walking with Lily. We had our 2nd BBQ of the year and the girls had a water fight over the wall with the girls next door. I then made a swing ball( very impressed with myself) which we all had a go at but the girls still had the water pistols so were shooting at whoever was playing.
So on today's menu, for your selection we have .........
BBC Bitesize - 24th April - Wellbeing: Managing emotions https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmmgrj6
Purple Mash - Positive Emotions( click on the word bank and it will tell you what they mean)
Emotions paint
Feelings paint
Calculating change
Reasoning booklet - p. 40, 41, 42 and 43 2d and 3d shape ( I will look today for a quick Purple Mash shape activity if they have one!!)
Reading booklet - Non Fiction Bees p. 21-26 ( Remember that someone can read to you and act as scribe and do the writing for you.)
Thursday 7th May
Good morning,
We have sunshine in Exmouth, I hope it's sunny where you are. We are doing a family cooking challenge this week and next. On Monday Lily cooked Chicken Ramen, it was very yummy and last night it was my turn and I cooked Sticky Pork Ribs, which luckily were also yummy. Have any of you had a go at cooking something new?
Lily has just gone out for a run, she is in fourth place on her rowing club activity board for this week!! Phoebe has been busy on TimesTable RockStars and is top of her leaderboard. They are both busy doing school work or studying during the day time.
The list of activities seems quite long today!! Remember you don't have to do it all. Tomorrow is a Bank Holiday so I am not setting work so perhaps save some for tomorrow. I have work to do that I am saving for tomorrow. If you are having a VE Day party enjoy it!!
MyMaths - try to get the money chapters completed (I bet you're already done aren't you?)
BBC Bitesize - Maths 29th April Compare amounts of money https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjxmxyc
Purple Mash - Shop multi drag game
BBC Bitesize - History 27th April Who was Neil Armstrong? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj93bdm
Purple Mash - Mash Cam of an astronaut ( Mrs Martin is looking for good ones to go on the display board, make sure you add lots of interesting facts) I think Mrs Martin might be leaving some recorded messages!!!!
Writing book sticker - 3 random objects and put them into an adventure. You might want to have an adventure in space!!! You could draw a story map on scrap paper to plan your beginning, middle and end.
Purple Mash - Talking Stories - go into the App and do Sally's Seaside Adventure.
Have a wonderful weekend, it is so nice hearing your voices. Please keep recording, a special thank you to Eddie for his yesterday.
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning,
I enjoyed listening to your messages yesterday, keep them coming!!! I am sitting with the sun shining in and can't wait until playtime when I can go out into the garden to drink my coffee. Yesterday was wet play so I had to do Lego on my own!! When Marcus got home from work we went for a walk along the estuary, the tide was really high. Lily and Phoebe cycled to Exton and back.
Well done to Aiden for getting a good score on Funky Platform. When I get an alert to say you have 'handed in ' your work I have to open it before I can comment so I see all your work and scores in tests.
MyMaths - keep working through the money chapters.
Reasoning booklet- p.32, 33 and 34 money
Purple Mash - money up to 20p
Keeping money safe
2Race - addition to 10 (I will be finding out how I can set this up so you can race each other in the future)
BBC Bitesize 28th April English- Writing sentences using capital letters, full stops and joining words.
I can remember the caterpillar song from when Lily was little. Remember to use your best handwriting, you can do the writing in your purple homework book. Do all 3 activities and then you can play Karate Cats!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday and I look forward to getting messages, watch out for mine back to you.
Mrs Allen
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning,
I went for a lovely walk with Lily and Marcus and a short bike ride with Phoebe (my 1st time on a bike for 3 years!!!), she said I was okay but needed to leave more space when I cycle past parked cars.
I could see some very quick times in the Coin Pairs games yesterday. I was exploring some of the activities and games on Purple Mash, I set a few as some of you might want to play them but I will not be checking scores on the added extras. They are just for fun and today with it being so soggy you might be glad of something else to do.
I have put some of your work into your folders. Go to the yellow work folder, click on the arrow next to My Work then you should see a folder called Done2dos, click on this to see your work that you handed in.
I am trying to link the Purple Mash activities, BBC Bitesize and your books as some of them will help you with the other parts.
MyMaths - continue working your way through the chapter lessons on money. The homework activities have been done earlier in the year but the lessons will remind you and help you with the work I am setting this week. I can't see who does these so I am trusting you!!
BBC Bitesize - English 24th April - Reading Lesson Daisy and the Trouble with Life. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmp2mfr
You need to do this before you can do the Paint activity in Purple Mash. You may need a reader for this today.
BBC Bitesize - Maths 28th April Using coins to make an amount https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zn4q7nb Enjoy the Karate Cats game.
Purple Mash - Money up to 10p
Paint - face ( needs to be Daisy from the story and can you add a sentence about her underneath)
2Race one more/one less
Plants labelling and plants labelling and growing (linked to Science book)
Science Booklet - p.14 and 15 A Plant Adventure ( linked to Purple Mash)
I hope you like the activities today.
Monday 4th May
Star Wars Day May the Fourth!!
Good morning,
I am back at home this week so will be able to send you recorded messages. My computer has a dodgy space bar so please excuse any words joined together, I try to spot and change them but I am sure I will miss some.
We had our delivery meal on Saturday evening, it was very tasty and it was nice not to cook and wash up all the pots and pans!! Lily and Marcus have just gone out for a run and I will be going to wake Phoebe as she needs to do her school work.
I hope you managed to do something over the weekend to try to make those days different from all the others.
I can see that Mrs Martin has been busy on Purple Mash.
BBC Bitesize - 21st April Geography - learn about the UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z42pnrd Have fun with Uncle Bob!!
Purple Mash - UK Capital Cities
Coins Pairs game
MyMaths - Library - measurement - using money. When you log in the first screen you get to has 'Library' on the left hand side, what I would like you to do is click on 'measurement', then scroll down until you see Yr 2 Using money, select 'lesson' and then you see what I have copied below.This week I would like you to work through these lessons. I have tried to find booklet work , Purple mash activities and BBC Bitesize to all be about money this week.
Friday 1st May
Good morning,
Who saw a wonderful rainbow yesterday? We had a double rainbow over Exmouth just before we went outside to clap.
The weather kept changing yesterday, I wonder what it will do today?
Have you got any special plans for the weekend? We have ordered a home delivery from a local restaurant to say well done to Lily and Phoebe. Phoebe has been doing lots of school work in the day on her own as Marcus and I are at work. Lily has been doing some housework and it really helps.
BBC Bitesize - 22nd April English (using describing words). https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zf6c47h
There is a short animation and then 3 activities. You can do the writing in your writing book with the monkey on the front.
My Maths - 2 activities based around subtraction and sharing/division
Purple Mash - Florence Nightingale Mashcam and factfile ( Mrs Martin will be choosing Mashcams with an interesting speech bubble to put onto the display board).
2Race Number bonds
High Frequency words touch type ( I know you can't all do this one but if you use a keyboard it will help you, I know that Renn has been doing it and loves it. )
Remember not all of this needs to be done, I hope you have found a piece of your work on a display board.
Thursday 30th April
Good morning,
I hope you were not woken by the heavy rain. We all managed to get outside for a bit yesterday but today looks even more grey!!! Phoebe has dip dyed her hair with tissue paper so it's now pink at the ends!!!
I can't believe it's the last day of the month and we go into May tomorrow!! Don't forget to 'pinch punch, it's the first of the month' gently tomorrow.
Mrs Martin would like to add comments to the wonderful work you are doing and I have also shown her how to add rewards, so check your rewards cup over the next few days as we learn how to do it!!! If a message/response to your work starts with MM- then it is from Mrs Martin. She is also going to be helping to put your work onto the display boards. Could you please check the display boards to see if I have put up some of yours? I have no easy way of checking !!! If you do not have any work up then send me a message and we will watch out for some fantastic work from you that can go up. Freddie has enjoyed the mazes, particularly yours Mimi.
BBC Bitesize - 20th April History - How can I be a Historian. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrb492p
There are three clips to watch, a practical activity in your home and then an online game. I hope you enjoy them, it appears that a lot of hard work has gone into compiling these.
Handwriting/spelling - rows 13 and 14 (took - around)
Purple Mash - Zara and the Lost Cat
It looks like lots but they are quick activities, paint, jigsaw and quiz.
Arithmetic book - p.19, 20 and 21
If it stops raining for long enough get your wellies on and jump in puddles.
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning,
Last night as a family we decided to learn some new recipes, so we picked 4 cookery books and then did a draw to see who got which book! We will then each pick a new dish to cook next week. Lily and Phoebe are really looking forward to it.
Yesterday we made salt dough shapes and today we are going to paint them. Freddie is in school this week and he says"hi".
Reasoning booklet - p.7,8,9,and 10. (comparing and ordering)
BBC Bitesize daily lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk9mxyc Watch the clip and then do the activities linked to it. Activity one and two are online the other is a Twinkl colouring sheet which you can download, you can have a free Twinkl account at the moment, but it is also at the bottom of this information
This is a science activity from 21st April. It is an introduction to the seasons and day and night. If the link does not work search for the BBC Bitesize daily lessons and you should be able to access it that way.
Grammar booklet - p.14 and 15
Handwriting/spelling - rows 11 and 12 (would - town)
Purple Mash - 2do - All about Seasons.
Remember this is a pick and mix selection, hopefully it will keep you busy and keep your brains active.
Tuesday 28th April
Good morning,
What a soggy grey day!!!! It is sad not to see the sun but my garden needs some water and I am sure your gardens need it too. On my way to school today I saw 2 Highland Cattle that live on the edge of Woodbury Common. Yesterday Phoebe made cake following a recipe in French, it was 'tres bon'.
Arithmetic booklet - p.16, 17 and 18.
Grammar booklet - p.10 and 11 verbs and tenses
Purple Mash - 2do describing lambs( oral instructions added)
2do Chick picture
Letterjoin - practice some tricky joins, do a couple of word searches
Catch up on any missed MyMaths - I am keeping an eye on who has done what!!!!
Remember to Doodle.
I have tried to add a couple of pieces of work to display boards but they appear locked so I am asking Mrs Wookey and Mrs Potts-Baldwin to see if they can help.
Try to do some Just Dance or Supermovers today so you get your heart rates racing!!
Have a great day everyone.
Monday 27th April
Good morning,
I am in school this week. The weather is not looking as lovely today.
How did you get on with your 2.6 challenges?
I have discovered that I have set a couple of activities that don't allow me to give you feedback. I am able to see who has done it and the score that you got. If you record yourself in a Mashcam let me know in your comment so I can click on the green arrow and listen to you.
Maths - NCETM follow this link and do the 1st and 2nd video on multiplcation
( please let me know what you think of them)
My Maths - Shape lessons
Science booklet - p.12-13 perhaps you could build your own habitat outside?
Spelling/handwriting - rows 9 and 10. (going to head)
Have a wonderful day, there's nothing set today on Purple Mash but you can contact me in the Blog.
Friday 24th April
Good morning,
I do hope that you find today's activities fun. I loved seeing you in the St George Mashcams.
Mrs Reid has asked me to remind you about handing in your reading challenge, you can send photos to Mrs Hockin or possibly just email her the total number of hours read. I am sure some of you have done this already.
I washed the car yesterday, seeing as it's not going out very much it was incredibly dirty. Lily and Phoebe enjoyed helping and got each other wet.
Purple Mash - 2Race odd and even race answers up to 20
- Spelling summer week 1 Quiz
- Lily's dog
( Hopefully you will be able to hear my instructions).
Sticker into writing book- travel back in time (bottom right hand sticker) You might want to look at the Mashcam selection(search it yourself) and pick someone and hand in a Mashcam too. Remember to think about your handwriting, check your spelling, punctuate your sentences accurately and be descriptive.
Arithmetic book p.12,13,14 and 15 ( subtraction)
Grammar booklet p. 10 and 11 verb form and tense
Lots of really good scores in MyMaths, well done and don't forget to Doodle we've been overtaken.
Have a great day, stay healthy and make sure you do some exercise.
Thursday 23rd April
Good morning,
I walked to the beach yesterday and I was very nearly tempted to take off my shoes and dip my toes in!!! Mr Allen bought some hair clippers and Lily, Phoebe and I did his hair, it looks very good.
Today's list looks like a long one, but they should be quick and enjoyable. Remember you do not have to do everything. Some of the things you should be able to do on your own so that your parents can grab a quiet cup of tea!
Purple Mash - St George and the Dragon
- Little Red meets the Wolf
Remember to click 'hand in' once you are done, I will not respond to work until I see this.
Science book - The Sea Shore p.10-11
Follow this link for some clips and activities.
Letter Join - go on and do a couple of the word searches and practice some joins that you know you need to work on.
Handwriting / spelling - rows 7 and 8 ( did - couldn't) Remember the shape of the word!!!!!!!!
Reasoning booklet - p.1-4 Numbers
See if you can challenge someone in your household to a star jump and jogging on the spot/laps of the garden competition.
Have a wonderful day and I look forward to seeing your work and perhaps listening to little messages from you
Wednesday 22nd April
Good morning,
Well done on your Doodling!!!! So pleased to see so many of you doing it and the Doodlespell as well.
I have loved hearing your little sound bites when you send me messages. Make sure you click hand in when you're done, I think I have been looking at work that is not completed and the system is just letting me know you are active. I will only comment on work that has been 'handed in'. Apologies if I have muddled you!!! I am on a steep learning curve and Mrs Wookey and Mrs Martin are being very helpful.
We have been putting work onto the display boards, have you had a go at anyone else's maze?
I have tried recording myself when giving feedback, have you worked out how to listen?
Grammar booklet p.8 and 9 tenses and adding 'ing'
Comprehension book - Fiction 3 Anansi and the Turtle ( remember that an adult can read and write for you if you need them to).
MyMaths - you should have 2 new activities all time related.
Reasoning booklet p.35-36 Days and months
Purple Mash - 2do Fractonio's Pizzeria ( I have left audio on this, click on the white speaker icon when you go to your 2do, not sure if it shows when you go through the alerts).
Have a wonderful day, I am going to wash the car this afternoon. I am helping Phoebe with her school work and Lily will probably go out for a run.
Looking forward to getting some messages from you today.
Tuesday 21st April
Good morning lovely people,
I went for a long walk with Lily yesterday, when we were nearly home I realised I had dropped my scarf (which Lily told me I didn't need!!!) so we had to walk all the way back and we found it on the pavement not far from home. I was very annoyed and frustrated with myself but also very pleased to have my scarf back. Lily said I should have tied it around my tummy.
I love your mazes, I am very impressed with the detail and complexity in some of them. I am so glad you enjoyed it and well done to those of you who got your things to move, very clever. I have put some of them on the display boards. You can get to the display board by clicking on the Sharing icon ( green globe) at the top left of your screen.
Writing - put the Easter Bunny sticker into your writing books. Remember that for some of you it's okay for your parents to write as long as you come up with the ideas!!!
Science book p.6 and 7 Food chains
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z96r82p follow this link to an activity on Bitesize, once you are there there are a few more clips and activities if you want to do more.
Reading - Oxford Owl - pick a book of your choice and do the two activities linked with it.
Purple Mash - 2do All about me
In Purple Mash I have been trying to record myself!!! I sound very strange and Phoebe has been laughing at my voice and the way I have spoken. I will get better at it and more relaxed!!! When you click in the red 2do tab go to the set activity and if it has a white sound icon click it once and you should be able to hear my message.
Get outside and enjoy the sunshine, remember to put on sun cream.
Monday 20th April
Good morning Class 2,
I hope you are all well. I have got blisters and aching shoulders from raking the dead moss out of the lawn. I am still going for a walk every day and I hope today to persuade Lily and Phoebe to walk with me to the beach. It was funny on Friday doing Joe Wicks with the other 5 adults and the children in school!!! Miss Wilkinson said her legs were stiff on Saturday. I have checked Doodlemaths and we are being beaten by Class R, come on year 2's lets show them what we're made of!!!
Please remember that the books sent home will be used by me to set pages at certain times, if you wish to work through them then that's fine but when I set pages on certain days you will be done already. ( Just trying to spread it out and pace it for the long haul!!)
I am loving all the work that appears on the system that I can see as the teacher, I will ask Mrs Wookey if she can set up another display board and then that way you get to see each other's work. I can see what you have done even if you don't click hand in, so I may at times reply when you're not finished (sorry).
Mrs Hockin is doing an amazing job, we must make sure she gets a big thank you when we get back to school. I am at home this week, I sit in my dining room and Phoebe sits opposite me doing her work. So if I'm not marking and messaging you I am doing Year 8 work (some of it is really hard!!!!).
Maths - Arithmetic book p.12 and 13 Subtracting
Reasoning book . 12 and 13 add and subtract word problems
Purple Mash - 2do Talking Story - Going to the Park (read, listen, questions)
2do 2DIY 3D - make a maze for your character, go through the maze to collect coins and avoid the baddies. I managed to make a simple maze with this so I am sure yours will be amazing. The green arrow at the top right by the red back arrow is the video that shows you how to do it. I had lots of fun and showed it to Mr Rogers so I think the Year 4s might do it too one day.
Mrs Allen
Friday 17th April
Good morning,
It's going to be a wet day today!!! All of the teachers in school have got their PE kit on and we will be doing Joe Wicks today. Why don't you do it too?
Yesterday in the pond we found lots of creatures including 2 newts and a baby newt. If you have a pond or go walking near a stream, pond or river let me know what you spot.
Maths - Arithmetic booklet p.9 and 10 - 2 digit addition
Grammar booklet p.6 and 7 - Sentences
MyMaths - 2 activities all to do with adding or subtracting - remember to have pen and paper so you can do working out and not try to keep it all in your heads.
Music - Charanga (YUMU) - I have added some activities based around the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
Handwriting/spelling - lines 5 and 6 the words over - small
You can catch up on any missed Purple Mash activities. There are lots of fun things to explore and some of you can change your avatar. You can delete alerts as my messages to you are stored in the 2do list. It can get quite stressful if the alerts build up!!!
Please keep messaging me. I love hearing what you're up to.
Don't you think that Captain Tom is an amazing man?!
Enjoy your weekend. I will be at home next week but will be at the end of my keyboard to help!!! Please only do what you can from the work I set and don't worry if you don't finish it.
Mrs Allen xx
Thursday 16th April
Good morning,
I am really enjoying seeing all the fantastic work being done in Purple Mash and it's nice having chats with you in the blog. Well done to those of you who have set up your own blogs. Excellent work Freddie recording yourself for the news report.
I filled up the school pond yesterday so I hope it will help more creatures want to live there!!! I went for a lovely walk along the estuary yesterday when I got home and saw an army helicopter flying very low and it was flashing its lights at the people out walking(in a nice way!!!)
Maths - Arithmetic book p.7 and 8 2 digit addition
Purple Mash - Washing hands fact file
- A - fish- metic
- Find your 2Create story and add another two pages of pictures and text to extend your story, Mrs Martin, Mrs Wookey and I look forward to reading them.
Science booklet - p.28 and 29 Healthy Living( very important at the moment)
Mr Rogers and I will be doing Joe Wicks again in school today, I have some sore muscles from yesterday!!
Wednesday 15th April
Good morning,
It's been lovely to see you and your pets. I miss your smiling faces. The weather is a bit chilly this morning and I had to get the ice off my car!! BBRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Maths - Reasoning booklet p44-46 (links to the Mymaths work on position and direction)
Grammar booklet p4 and 5 - adjectives and adverbs
Purple Mash - Mashcam in 2do. Choose either the male or the female news presenter and write about your news from home. You could tell me about your day, your Easter, what you've enjoyed doing while at home, who you've been chatting to in video calls or anything new you have learnt to do.
Keep Doodling - I am checking and have a list of who's been on!!!
Stay safe and try to get out for a walk or cycle, perhaps you could make up your own new games to teach your friends when we all get back to school.
Tuesday 14th April
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. The Bunny found our house and I am enjoying the chocolate.
The sun is still shining, the birds are singing and there's fun to be had in the garden. I have loved seeing the pictures in your blogs and I must say that some of you have been very busy!!
Handwriting/spelling - high frequency words rows 3 and 4 (good - night)
Reading booklet - p5-10 The Ferris Wheel
Science booklet - p8-9 Micro habitats (linked to the daily task of a minibeast hunt)
Purplemash - Little Red (reading activity and some other linked activities, including a jigsaw)
- 2 Times Table ( I like the rock star one the best, which will be your favourite?)
Mymaths - Geometry Position and Direction ( Patterns and Sequence then Position and Turning)
Please try to do Joe Wicks or some outdoor or indoor challenges to keep you feeling fit and healthy. I try to go for a walk every day and my children go cycling.
Friday 27th March
Good morning,
It's the last day of term and the sun is shining so make sure you get outside.
Arithmetic - pages 5 and 6 Bonds to 20
Reasoning - pages 5 and 6 Count in 2, 3, 5 and 10s
Reading Oxford Owl a book of your choice and do the activities linked to it
2do Mashcam of your choice(can't be set as a 2do so search and pick!!!)
2do Games - grammar- Bella and the farm
Doodlemaths - Yr2 Measure 2 should be set as an extra activity.
I think I have managed to set something in Charanga(music) go to YUMU
There are lots of things to explore in PurpleMash over the holidays, just remember that at some point they might also be set as a 2do.
I will check the blog occasionally over the holiday in case you post something.
I look forward to seeing what your avatars look like(those of you who have not changed them). Click on the black silhouette at the top right to change yours.
Have a good holiday Mrs Allen
Thursday 26th March
Good morning,
I am back in school today. I will miss Lily and Phoebe and I hope that they do not make too much mess cooking at home!!
Writing - stick the Victoria Sponge sticker into your purple writing book. Remember all the things you need to do when you write.
Science book - Habitats p.4+5
Handwriting - use you red book. Practice the first two rows on the Next 200 High Frequency words (water to say). Remember to use the correct joins and think about the shape of letters and words.
Doodlemaths - Yr2 measures 1 - set on the programme.( I am not sure where it appears for you to see it).
Spelling Week 6 (no rush on these)
Sequence snakes - as recommended by Edward.
Try to do Joe Wicks and perhaps make up some sport challenges in your garden.
Wednesday 25th March
Good morning,
Another sunny day!! I hope you are getting outside if you can.
I went for a walk with Mr Allen in the sunshine near the Estuary in Exmouth. Lily and Phoebe are doing their school work and the Joe Wicks daily workout.
Grammar book - verbs page 3
Arithmetic - pages 3 and 4 Counting in steps of 5 and 10
Mymaths - lesson - measurement - units of measure - Chapter 5 Capacity
Mymaths online homework - comparing measure
Purplemash - 2Create a story
Go to the adventure story section as you can add more in( characters) Have an explore today and see what you can do, the story is one of your choice. There are lots of backgrounds you can use so that might give you an idea.
Thank you for sending in the pictures, see if you can add them to the 2Blog in Purplemash where Mrs Wookey and I can admire them.
Enjoy your day and I look forward to seeing your work, some of what you do I can see that you've done it but there is no way to respond in the system.
Have a great day
Mrs Allen
Tuesday 24th March
Good morning everybody,
I hope that you are well. Remember to treat each other with kindness and not to worry about getting this work done all at once. Today I am at home with Lily and Phoebe as the teachers are working on a rota.
Look out of your window and draw me a sunshine picture with some pretty spring flowers if you can see them. Do this in your green book.You can upload a photo of your picture to the 2Blog site(possibly). Or send it to Mrs Hockin on the usual email address to put on our website.
Grammar book - noun phrases page 2
Arithmetic book - counting in steps of 2 and 3 pages 1 and 2
Mashcam (Purplemash) 2do - Elizabeth 1st. Use your recent homework to add the facts.
MyMaths - Lesson
Measurement, units of measure
chapter 3 - height and length
Then online homework set in the normal way( I am not sure the homework done through the lesson link registers on the section I can see). It's a steep learning curve for us all!
Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine.