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Clyst St Mary Primary School

Nurture and Grow Together Through Aspiration, Resilience and Kindness

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Personal Development

What is Personal Development?

In our development of Personal Development in the Curriculum we have looked at the range of opportunities we

want our pupils to experience during their time at Clyst St Mary Primary School so they can develop the key values of aspiration, resilience and kindness. A wide range of additional opportunities to enrich learning taught in Early Years and through the National Curriculum. Through our vision of ‘Nurture and Grow Together’ we work on our core values, and we help pupils develop their character, to know that individual differences should be valued, to be resilient, be aspirational, to treat people kindly. We help pupils understand and deepen their knowledge of the British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect, and tolerance.


Through our PSHE curriculum for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RHSE) we use SCARF which is a scheme in which we teach pupils to recognise and manage online and offline risks. We teach them about healthy relationships and keeping safe. Through this spiral curriculum we look at the topics that develops personal development and supports pupils to be ready for their next stage in education. The scheme covers many aspects of our personal development curriculum including topics such as finance, online safety and health and wellbeing but we believe to cover these areas comprehensively we need to build upon our core offer and have enrichment opportunities that compliment and reinforce these messages. 


This year we are building on our health and wellbeing programme by working with the  ‘Storm breaks’ Charity who will work with an individual member of staff before rolling it our to the whole school in September. We are also working with ‘Future Savers’ to enhance our curriculum to deliver more education around money and saving.


Residential visits

Residential visits in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 build children’s independence and provide opportunities for learning within different contexts and settings. We use this an opportunity to work on our core themes of Resilience and Aspiration. We alternate our residentials for Year 5 and 6 so one year we focus purely on adventure activities and in the second year we do a mix of activities which includes visits to museums such as the Weald and Downland Living Museum and trips to places like Stonehenge and Hampton Court.



Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of experiences and opportunities within and beyond the school day. Our programme of after school clubs are run by Premier Education who also provide extended childcare after school. The programme has a lot of variety and is designed to enhance the school curriculum for all age groups from Reception to Year 6.  All clubs are run by qualified coaches with first aid qualifications. They have a passion to inspire pupils and help them develop new skills. We also have clubs within the school day that can vary depending on the season. These are run by teachers and by the children themselves. Clubs can include drawing, ECO clubs, reading clubs, wellbeing clubs and game clubs.

Assembly programme

A programme of assemblies based on our values-based ethos helps to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and provide clear guidance for pupils on how to grow up to be the best person they can possible be. As well as the values assemblies, each term pupils also take part in:

  • safeguarding assemblies e.g. NSPCC
  • achievers’ assembly on a Friday- celebrating our pupils of the week and sporting achievements.
  • music performance assemblies
  • special events in the calendar
  • assemblies that focus on Modern British Values including commemorative events


PE & Sport competition and healthy lifestyles​​​​​​

We provide pupils with a wide range of PE & Sport opportunities beyond the school day. Through our curriculum pupils compete in a range of competitions, sports festivals and local fixtures. After school clubs such as Netball, Tag Rugby, Football, Cricket, Martial Arts, Dance, Tennis and Athletics further provide opportunities for pupils to develop sporting skills, healthy lifestyle and positive attitudes.  Through our work with Premier Education then pupils have the opportunity to perform dance in local theatres to large audiences.  The school also takes part in a number of health and wellbeing events throughout the year. The school successfully gained a Gold Sports Mark in 2022, 2023 and 24. 


Forest School                                       

As a school we are very fortunate in having our own forest school area and a member of staff trained to deliver the Forest Schools programme. Forest School is designed to provide opportunities for outdoor learning in a natural environment.  All pupils have access to Forest School sessions for a half-term in school with our dedicated Forest School Leader. We also share this resource with our Federation School who travel to use the site.



Pupils as Leaders

Pupils have many opportunities to become a leader in school. These include being members of the school council, sports leaders, buddies, litter pickers and bird feeders, librarians and book monitors, assembly monitors as well as supporting school in one-off events such as new parents evening when they escort parents on a tour of the school.



Trips and visits

Trips and visits take place throughout the school year, in all year groups linked to our curriculum and for enrichment. We also make the most of our location and take children out of school around the village. We access local transport links to visit Exeter and Exmouth.

The Arts

Pupils have lots of opportunities for enrichment in the Arts which include Music, Drama and Art. 


Drama/Music Opportunities

From early in school pupils have the opportunities to perform at Clyst St Mary and to experience live performance to enrich the curriculum. Our pupils in Key stage 1 and the EYFS take part in the annual nativity in the village hall and village church. In year 5/6 the pupils take part in the annual play in the summer term which gives pupils the opportunity to showcase their talents!  Each year group has built in opportunities which encourage children to take part as individuals or in group performances. We believe this supports pupils to build confidence and resilience in themselves

We regularly have visiting shows and performances as we want our pupils to be aspirational. Many of our ex-pupils have gone on to work in Arts related fields of employment.  In 2024 we have welcomed Boo to a Goose for Key Stage 1/EYFS and we have drama workshops for year 3/4 hosted by Theatre Alibi. Paddleboat Theatre company have a long association with the school and showcased their new whodunnit called 'Framed' with a workshop for Year 5.

Clyst St Mary has always had a reputation for singing. We believe that singing is great for mental health and wellbeing and we have many opportunities when we sing for an audience including Harvest, the Christingle, Christmas, the County Show and the Summer Show. 

 Art Opportunities


Visitors often comment on the Art work on display at Clyst St Mary. We have developed a scheme of work that develops pupils artistic skills but we enrich this experience by holding an annual Art Picnic. In July 24 we focussed on Art connected to our History Heritage project on our local area. Upper Key stage 2 looked at developing the skills of watercolour with a local artist. Key Stage 1 worked with the same artist to create a mural in the school grounds. 


