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Work to do at home

Tuesday 14th April

Hello Class Three,
Welcome back to our virtual Summer Term. Miss Stoneham, Mrs Wookey and I hope that you have had a good Easter, even though it was probably a bit different for you. We have been so lucky to have had so much sunshine and we hope that you have been able to spend a lot of time outside enjoying it. We have lots of fun learning activities that you will be able to do at home. Some of the activities will take you longer than others, so if you finish quickly think about other things that you can be doing like spending more time reading; learning your times tables or starting a mini project about something you are interested in. Whilst I was out walking Joey yesterday, I saw lots of butterflies- first time this year. I think I might do a little bit of research to find out whether the butterflies like the sunshine. I'll try to take a photo of Joey later and post it here for you to see.
Try to start your day off at 9 with some exercise. You could do your own thing or join in with Joe Wicks.

Remember to use the Stream to ask any questions or let us know some of the fun things you have been getting up to over Easter. If your prefer, you can always send us a private message. If you mum or dad have any questions they can always contact us via email.
Try to work hard on your school work and do the best that you can do. When you have finished it then it's your time to relax and play.
Have fun,
Mrs Ellis



Today and tomorrow you are going to have the chance to be a film critic, which means you are going to watch two short films and choose one to write a review of. The films are called 


Fishing with Sam  

Unimagined Friends


You can copy and paste the link into your Google or You Tube to watch the films.

Today, we would like you to watch both films twice and choose which one you would like to write about. On a piece of paper you can write some notes about why you liked your chosen film. You will use these notes to help you write a film review tomorrow. You don't need to show us your notes, but do keep them safe for tomorrow.



In Maths, towards the end of term, we looked at the ‘Bus Stop  Method’ for division. Today, we would like you to watch this You Tube clip to remind yourself of how to use the ‘Bus Stop Method’.

Talk to your Mum or Dad about it and how it works. Now have a go at the division problems below. You don’t need to type out the answers and submit them. Just write the answers on a piece of paper at home. Remember to use the bus stop method to work out your answers. At about 12 o’clock,  we will put the answers on the stream so that you can mark your work. When you have marked your work send us a private message to let us know how you did and whether you need any help.


Divide these numbers:


  1.  84 divided by 2

  2. 69 divided by 3

  3. 88 divided by 4

  4. 555 divided by 5

  5. 648 divided by 4

  6. 205 divided by 5

  7. 650 divided by 5

  8. 372 divided by 3

  9. 648 divided by 8

  10. 786 divided by 6

Class 3 home Learning - Friday 27th March


Friday 27/03/20
Good morning! It’s Friday and nearly the Easter holidays woooo. Just a reminder to remember to ‘Turn In’ your work by clicking in the top right hand corner of your Google Doc and do any editing in purple. Make sure you read my private comments about your work - I am really enjoying reading it all :)

Your tasks today:
1.English (spellings) - In your orange book complete the first set of spellings by writing out each spelling 3 times. On Google Classroom Classwork write a sentence for each spelling. Try and add detail to your spellings by using conjunctions, adverbials (where, when, how) and expanded noun phrases. I will then look at your great sentences! I have attached a Google Doc.
2. Maths - On MyMaths complete the Measure task. Remember to watch the lesson too if there is the option on your account. Once you have completed it I can see how well you have done. Some of you have already done this before we began learning about weight and capacity so have another go and I will see if your score improves!
3. Maths- On PurpleMash go onto you '2Dos' section and play the 'Convert Units of Measure' game. This focuses on length (metres and kilometres) so see how much you can remember. You can find the Purplemash website here: You have your login details in your home learning pack.
4. Topic - Research Roman Exeter and make a list of interesting facts about life in Roman Exeter. Remember to use to do your research. You should do this on Google Classroom Classwork where I have given more instructions. You can then draw a picture of Roman Exeter in your green book.
5. Art - Make an Easter card for your family. You could use colour paper or card to try and make a 3D bunny or egg! If you don’t have any, use pencils or felt tips to draw the best Easter egg you can on the front. Make sure you write a nice message inside and thank your family for helping you with your home learning. Upload pictures of your work onto the stream!
6. Remember to read, practise your times tables and do a Just Dance or another Joe Wicks PE lesson everyday too! If you have more time you can always play on PurpleMash, DoodleMaths and MyMaths games or use BBC bitesize to learn new things.

David Walliams is reading out one of his stories every day for the next 30 days. You can find and listen to them here: I loved reading his books to you in class last term so hopefully you will listen to a few of his and imagine Miss Stoneham doing her funny actions and voices!

Ozzy was flying across the beach with excitement for Easter this morning! Have a great day. I will be here to answer any questions.
Miss Stoneham :)


Class 3 Home Learning Thursday 26th March


Thursday 26/03/20
Good morning! I hope everything is still going well. I have enjoyed looking and responding to your work this week. Make sure you remember to click ‘Turn In’ (in the top right hand corner of the Google Doc) so we can see your work. Remember to read our private comments too as they will give ideas on how to improve your work. If you improve your work please can you do it in purple so that we can see your changes - it's just like using purple pen at school!

It is another lovely day and Ozzy has been so excited by your postcards!

Your tasks today:
1. English - You have had time working outside in the lovely spring weather and now it is time to write a poem about it! We have looked at lots of poems in and out of school to give you ideas. The full instructions can be found in ‘Classwork’ and I have attached a Google Doc for your work.
2. Maths - You have explored weight and capacity and it is now time to make some more estimations. An estimation is an educated guess. I would like you to find 8-15 things in your house and estimate their weight or capacity. If you have weighing scales and/or a measuring jug then find out the exact mass/capacity and see how close you were! Can you then find the difference between your estimation and the exact result? The full instructions can be found in ‘Classwork’ and I have attached a document for your work.
3. Science - Use to find out how fossils are made. In your green book create a poster which explains the stages in forming a fossil. Try and use scientific language to improve your work. You could upload a picture of it to the stream when you are finished! You could use these websites to help:
4. It is important that we stay active while we are not at school. Please take part in a 30 minute PE lesson with a man called Joe Wicks. He is holding a live PE lesson everyday at 9am but you can watch the recordings on his Youtube channel. I am doing it every day and it is great fun! You could post a picture or video of you taking part! This is the link:
5. Remember to read and practise your times tables today too! If you have more time you can always play on PurpleMash, DoodleMaths and MyMaths games or use BBC bitesize to learn new things.

Good luck with your work! I will be online to read your work and respond to any questions. I have attached some pictures of Ozzy looking at the flowers and trees to help him with his poem!
Miss Stoneham :)

Class 3 Home Learning Wednesday 25th March 

Good morning Class 3,
The sun is shining again which is lovely, as it means most of you will be able to get out in to garden. We will all be busy in our virtual classroom today. I have set a maths task (about capacity) for you to do, which has all the instructions written on it. Remember learning about capacity is all to do with exploring how much liquid a container can hold- from a bath, to a juice bottle, to a shampoo bottle. I wonder what thing you can find in your house that has the smallest capacity written on it. You can start adding the things you find to the Stream and we'll see whose is smallest. Capacity work can get wet so maybe try the activity outside.
I have also set a writing task, which is to write a postcard to Ozzy. Full instructions will be on the task. Again, I will add some of your weird and wonderful ideas to the Stream for us all to enjoy.
Both the maths and English tasks have a google doc attached to them for you to write on. You should be able to access them from 9.00 this morning.
I would also like you to read (both to someone and to yourself) and practise your times tables.
To get some Vitamin D, which is so important for you ,I would like you to go outside and do some close up drawings of plants that you see. Look really carefully at a leaf, flower or branch and draw what you see not what you think you see. You can do these on paper and then upload a photo of your work to the Stream if you would like- or add it in a private message.
Lastly, get some exercise outside in the garden if you can, or inside doing Just Dance. I am going to do some yoga, pilates and walk Joey for my exercise. Message me if you have any questions. I will be online this morning until about 12.30.
I look forward to seeing your work later,
Mrs Ellis :)

Class Three Home Learning Tuesday 24th March


Good morning Class 3,
I hope that you managed to get outside for a little bit of sunshine in your garden yesterday.


Spring is certainly on its way and to make the most of it (eventhough you are staying at home) I would like you to explore the Gardeners World Website as it has some lovely ideas for things you can do.

There is a beautiful and very famous garden in London called Kew Gardens. If you copy and paste this link in Google you will be able to find out about about it.

If you want to find out more about Kew Gardens there are lots of video clips online that you can look at.

Whilst you are watching it you can think about how the gardens at Kew are similar or different to Killerton Gardens that we visited in the Autumn Term. Write down a few sentences comparing the two gardens and also any other gardens that you have visited. You may want to google Killerton Gardens to remind yourself of the Bear Hut, the Ice House and the beautiful trees and flowers.
Whilst you are writing, remember these things:
Use a capital letter at the start of a sentence; use a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence; use expanded noun phrases ( descriptive words to describe the noun); interesting vocabulary( maybe use a thesaurus to explore some new words) and also conjunctions ( such as because, so although,however, whilst etc) to make your sentences more interesting.You can illustrate your work( draw a picture) as well. This is a chance for you to really take your time with your writing and make it as interesting as possible.

Maths: To help you learn about and understand mass more I would like you to go on a hunt for things in the house that have their weight written on them- boxes and tins of food are really good things to look at. Make a list of the different items you find and how much they weigh. Order the items in a list from lightest to heaviest. Each time you find something else have a guess of it's weight before you check it. If you have some kitchen weighing scales at home have a go at weighing different things. Estimate how much something will weigh and then weigh it to get the actual weight.
Things to remember:

A gram (g) is much lighter than a kilogram (kg)
1kg = 1000g
half a kg = 500g
Remember to read a lot. Reading is brilliant and as we can't really go exploring outside our homes at the moment reading will allow us to go to other places and find out about other people's stories in our mind. See if you can find an adult to read a story to you too. Remember to add any recommendations for good books on to the news stream.

I will be sitting at my computer during school hours today so message me if you need any help; need anything explained or just want to say hello. Send your work through when you have finished it so that we can take a look at it and respond to it. If your parents have a question they can contact me or Miss Stoneham via Parent Info.
As I am working from home, I won't know what Ozzy is up to, but I will have my dog Joey with me. He will be interested to hear what any of your pets are up to.
Drink lots of water and get some exercise- Just Dance would be great. I will be doing it in my kitchen!
Best wishes,
Mrs Ellis
