Useful Links
Support for parents of pre-teens from Devon and Cornwall police. The short video clips are intended for the parents of pre-teens and older. they aim to explain the challenges facing youngsters and how parents and carers can support them as their independence grows and they experience more influences from outside their immediate family. Subjects covered include:
- drugs and alcohol
- body image
- mental health
- social risks
- safety online
- peer pressure
More information can be found here
Devon Family Hubs
A Devon-wide service to support and signpost all Devon families to the right support at the right time.
By phoning 0800 538 5458 families in Devon will be able to speak to one of our Family Hub Navigators who will be able to provide support and guidance about a range of topics – whether it’s a parenting issue or just feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of family life, a member of our friendly, supportive team will be able to give guidance and signpost you to information, advice and help with understanding and accessing relevant services and information.
Click here to access the Devon Family Hubs website and to use the online request for contact.