Class 4
Look at this website which is full of poems: Find a poem that you are interested in, listen to it and read it. Next, try and write a poem in a similar style. If you would like to, record yourself reading it and email it to us. You can write your poem out in your best joined up handwriting and illustrate it.
Spellings: Practise learning all the spellings we have had this term (if you can't remember them look on Google Classroom). Try writing a sentence for ten of them. Try to make your sentences as interesting and when possible include a fronted adverbial followed by a comma.
Work will be set for you on either DoodleMaths or MyMaths. You will be told on Google Classroom where to look each morning you are isolating.
Make yourself an account on Duolingo. For the reason why you are learning French, select ‘school’. On the next option, you need to say you are learning from scratch and the ‘5 min/day’ option. You can now login to Duolingo once a week and have a go at the activities.
Download the activity pack from this website.
Choose some of the activities to have a go at. You can then use your research skills to find out more about it.